Looking for some weekend reading? Look no further than these links we thought were worth sharing this week:
From BikeTexas:
Feeling some nostalgia for TTAT 2014? Relive three great days on our Flickr albums. Ready to do it all again? Register for TTAT 2016 here.
Need a bike advocacy fix on your lunch break? Join us every weekday for Lunch with BikeTexas, our daily Periscope.
From around Texas:
Bike Hutto is cutting the ribbon on a new bike rack on Saturday.
The Houston Bike Plan draft will be released in February.
Get involved, El Paso– the city is hosting meetings on the comprehensive bike plan.
From elsewhere:
Speaking of statewide bike summits… West Virginia just had their first one ever.
The Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota is working for lower speed limits.
People of different income levels use active transportation for different reasons.
Do sharrows make you safer? Not so much, a study says.
The places where people walk the most are also the places where it’s the most dangerous to walk.
Have a great weekend!
Photo: Exhibitors and attendees chat during a break at TTAT 2014.