What are Complete Streets?
A complete street will accommodate all road users, regardless of age, ability, or mode of transportation. Complete streets might include sidewalks, bike lanes, cycle tracks, wide paved shoulders, special bus lanes, comfortable and accessible transit stops, frequent crossing opportunities, median islands, accessible pedestrian signals, or curb extensions.
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Complete Streets in Rural Areas
In rural areas, highway shoulders (top) are adequate for some riders, especially in low-traffic areas. Side paths or trails (above) are separated from traffic, and are a great way for anyone to safely walk or ride in rural areas with high traffic volumes.
Complete Streets in Urban Areas
Cycle tracks (above), also called protected bike lanes, are separated from automobile traffic by a physical barrier, such as parked cars, bollards, a landscaped buffer, or a curb. This separation helps cyclists of all skill levels feel comfortable biking in traffic and dramatically increases ridership.
Complete Streets FAQs
What could a Complete Streets law achieve?
Complete Streets legislation would ensure that roads in the state safely accommodate all users and are comfortable for walking, bicycling, and transit use. This provision can reduce traffic-related crashes and mitigate congestion. Plus, active transportation improves the health of individuals and the quality of life in our communities, which also attracts the best employers and increases tourism.
Which projects would a Complete Streets law affect?
Typically, statewide Complete Streets policies apply to new roads and reconstruction projects that use state or federal funding. These policies usually do not apply to projects that use only municipal or county funding (although cities or counties may have their own Complete Streets policies). Such policies can also apply to pavement resurfacing projects where bicycling, pedestrian and transit areas can be added within the scope of the original roadwork.
Why do we need this law?
Over the last 50 years, infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit has not been
systematically included in road building. This over-reliance on a single mode of travel
has contributed to the obesity epidemic, out of control congestion, and unacceptable
Which states have passed Complete Streets laws?
Twenty-six states have Complete Streets laws and policies, or a written commitment
to accommodate all road users. See www.completestreets.org for a chart that details
complete streets efforts across the U.S.
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Who typically supports statewide Complete Streets?
State AARP Chapters
State American Diabetes Association Chapters
State American Heart Association Chapters
State Bicycle and Pedestrian Advocacy Organizations
State Medical Associations
State Pediatric Societies
State PTAs
State Transit Associations
Where can I find out more about Complete Streets?
Benefits to children
Benefits to health
Creation of livable communities
Economic revitalization
Minimize future costs by implementing bike and pedestrian lanes
How Can I Get Involved?
Sign the Petition for Complete Streets in Texas!
Download the Complete Street Info Sheet
Get Everyone You Know to Sign the Petition
Tell anyone you know who walks, rides, or drives on roads in Texas to sign the petition at: www.biketexas.org/completestreets
You may also download & print hard copies of the Complete Streets Petitions as well as the Info Sheet to Circulate! Once you’ve collected signatures, mail to BikeTexas at:
PO Box 1121
Austin, TX 78767
OR scan and email them to us at: [email protected]
Who Supports Complete Streets in Texas?
American Diabetes Association
American Heart Association
“The American Heart Association’s 2011 State Public Policy Agenda includes advocating for proposals that promote efforts within the community environment that will lead to increased physical activity and healthy eating such as the creation of Complete Streets. We look forward to working with key stakeholders to advance this legislation and the impact that will be made in the reduction of heart disease as result of this legislation.” – Joel Romo, Senior Director of Governmental Relations for the American Heart Association
“Complete Streets may be the most effective legislation to improve the conditions for cyclists and pedestrians that BikeTexas has promoted in its twenty years of work at the legislature.” – Robin Stallings, Executive Director
Brazos Transit District
Capital Metro Transit
Texans Care for Children
“Children are more likely to be healthy when they have safe places to be outside walking, biking, and playing.
Complete streets are a crucial strategy for addressing Texas’s high rate of child obesity–and for putting our state’s children on a path toward a healthier, more productive future.” – Jodie Smith, Policy Director, Texans Care for Children and Vice Chair for the Partnership for a Healthy Texas
Texas Medical Association
Texas Pediatric Societyhttp://www.txpeds.org
Texas PTA
“Keeping children and their families safe is important to Texas PTA. Complete Streets expands on Safe Routes To School’s purpose of creating safe, accessible ways for children to travel to school. Children and their families will be able to safely walk or bike to school and to other destinations.”
– Kyle Ward CAE, Executive Director, Texas PTA
Texas Transit Association