North Texas is growing and urban trails are growing with it. The growing active transportation network in the region consists of more than 7,030 miles of regional shared-use paths (Regional Veloweb), supporting community shared-use paths, and the on-street bikeway network (including on-street wide shoulders in rural areas) in various stages of development. This network plays a key role in supporting Mobility 2040 and the implementation of the multimodal Complete Streets and transit infrastructure that assist in safely accommodating travelers of all ages and abilities throughout the region.
We encourage you to visit the North Central Texas Counsel of Government’s website (found here) and view the maps related to Regional Paths (Trails) and Bikeways (on-Street) Active Transportation Networks in North Texas.
The web page includes information and maps included in Mobility 2040, which was adopted by the Regional Transportation Council in March 2016, as well as detailed county-wide maps and highlighted Regional Veloweb corridors which identify the existing, funded and planned segments of the regional network. Click on the expandable blue bars on the web page for additional information and detailed maps.