The Citizens Traffic Commision (CTC) voted unanimously on giving BikeTexas the backing of the Lubbock City Staff BikeTexas Lubbock Local Outreach Coordinator, Durwood Mayfield, was given the opportunity to introduce the BikeTexas Safe Routes to School Program to the Lubbock Citizens Traffic Commision (CTC), on Tuesday, July 19th, during their regular meeting. Jere Hart, City Traffic Engineer, invited BikeTexas to the meeting to give a presentation explaining the program. Jere, and his department, have been successful in the past in securing some of the previous Texas Safe Routes to School engineering grants from TxDOT.
Mr. Hart wanted the CTC to understand, first, how what we will do with the program will enhance his and the school’s applicaion for the grant money, and second, what this will mean to the children to whom the program is taught.
There were six members of the CTC in attendance along with representatives from both the Lubbock Police Department, and the LISD Police Department. The meeting was covered by two local television stations as well. The presentation was well received, and at the close, the CTC voted unanimously on a resolution giving us the backing of the City Staff.
The CTC is made up of community leaders appointed by the Lubbock City Council to act on their behalf on all matters pertaining to traffic and traffic safety.