In case you missed it: some links we thought were worth sharing this week. Happy reading!
From BikeTexas:
Our November newsletter is out! Want it in your inbox instead of online? Sign up here.
We took a look back at past Novembers at BikeTexas, and some pretty cool stuff has happened.
Austin City Council runoff election is December 16. Check out our endorsements here.
From around Texas:
The El Paso Bicycle Advisory Committee had its first meeting. Here’s how it went.
A new park in Travis County is also a key trail link
Some San Antonio bike lanes are going green
Speaking of cold, it didn’t stop the Fair Park bike share launch in Dallas.
In less good news, CAMPO softened their requirements for spending funding on bike/ped projects.
From elsewhere:
Plus, all that infrastructure and encouragement makes things a bit easier for families.
And of course, city traffic jams are problematic for everyone, whether you’re in the city or not.
Meanwhile in Europe, cycling is creating jobs and boosting the economy.
On a sadder note, the Invisible Visible Man reflects on traffic deaths.
Do you ever hear these common complaints from drivers about people who ride bikes?
And finally:
Not bike related, just awesome– the European Space Agency sent a spacecraft to a comet. Hope you didn’t miss that, because it was pretty amazing.
Have a great weekend!