Bike to Work Day is Friday and we couldn’t be more excited. In addition to the communities who have already Biked to Work and back again, at least seven Texas cities are hosting Bike to Work events. We hope you are planning to participate!
Here at the BikeTexas office, we’ll be hosting an afternoon Bike to Work station for folks to drop by on their way home. In the morning, we all plan to head over for the ribbon cutting on Austin’s newest cycletrack on Barton Springs Road.
But the fun doesn’t stop after Bike to Work Day! BikeTexas KidsKup at The Warda Race, our final race of the spring series, happens Saturday.
We’ll round out our weekend on Sunday as sponsors of Viva Streets!, Austin’s answer to the ciclovia. The route winds right past our door, so we’ll have bike rentals, a bicycle course for the kids, and a chance to demo our new game, Jenny’s Neighborhood! Stop by and see us before you head for home on Sunday.