That’s rigth. The 21st day of December defied it’s identity of Winter Solstice by displaying temperatures above average. The actual high in Amarillo was 61° instead of the average 49°, and we took advantage of it. No! We didn’t don our bikinis and streak the Canyon (Palo Duro). Instead, we decked our bikes and cruised Wolflin residential area after sunset.
Young and old gathered outside of Roasters Coffee & Tea Co (a supporter of the Old Tascosa Classic) to exchange our long-time-no-see greetings. The usual preparations of bike and body commenced. A short warm-up around the parking lot a few times, and off we go. Christmas music blared from the back of one saddle, as merry chatter came from the cyclists. This residential area attracts viewers with its classic brick streets and festive Holiday lighting.
Our jaunt was enhanced by minimal motorized vehicular viewers, and the absence of the skittish horse drawn carriages. We are fortunate to be able to share these blessings with family and friends. Without the dedication of many unsung heroes, this would not be possible. Texas Bicycle Coalition Safe Routes to School Outreach Coordinators Fernando Martinez and Joyce Cunningham want to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in making Amarillo safe. Not only to walk and ride a bike, but to raise our families and grow old together.
Bike Friendly Amarillo is not only a slogan but a state of mind and a way of living. Take time to enjoy your treasures, and take time to share them. Please join us in Advancing Bicycle Access, Safety & Education.