Yes, there are bike lanes in Gene Howe neighborhood and the students want to know how to use them safety. That’s why PE teacher Janet Sheen asked Texas Bicycle Coalition Local Outreach Coordinators Fernando Martinez and Joyce Cunningham to conduct a Bike Safety day for all 543 Gene Howe students. Sheen met the LOCs at a Canyon PE teacher meeting last June where they presented an overview of the BikeTexas Safe Routes to School Program.
The Program highlights were received enthusiastically by kindergarten through 4th graders. Handle bar traffic hand signals, why you should wear a helmet egg drop, bike parts identification, and how to check your bike before riding were presented.
PE teacher Janet Sheen, and assistant Teresa McCall assisted in the demonstrations. Martinez and Cunningham had their hands full as one class exceeded 100 students. Even Principal Michelle Wilson was seen helping with the overflow of enthusiasm. What a great turnout.
A big “Thank You” is extended to the Gene Howe Elementary school staff and students for their interest in promoting bicycle safety in the Amarillo area.