Video – Building the Multi-Faceted Violet Crown Trail


CEUs for this presentation: .75

CEUs available for the following certifications:

  • APA / AICP – American Institute of Certified Planners
  • ASCE / TSPE – Engineers’ Professional Development Hours
  • ASLA – American Society of Landscape Architects
  • CPRP/NRPA – Certified Parks and Recreation Professional/National Recreation and Park Association


CEUs for this presentation: .75

CEUs available for the following certifications:

  • APA / AICP – American Institute of Certified Planners
  • ASCE / TSPE – Engineers’ Professional Development Hours
  • ASLA – American Society of Landscape Architects
  • CPRP/NRPA – Certified Parks and Recreation Professional/National Recreation and Park Association

Speaker(s): Butch Smith; George Cofer

The Violet Crown Trail is a planned regional trail system that originates in central Austin and travels 30 miles into the surrounding countryside. The trail ranges from a challenging sustainable natural surface trail to an improved surface multi-use trail that connects neighborhoods and destinations. Trail construction employs innovative techniques and crafted trail amenities. The trail is a public / private effort in construction but will be solely maintained and managed by the non-profit Hill Country Conservancy.

Learning Objectives:

  • Sustainable trail construction designed for a variety of urban and rural environments.
  • Public / private collaboration to achieve a superior trail experience.
  • Using non-profits and volunteers to maintain and manage a regional trail system.

The Violet Crown Trail story will cover trail construction, securing private easements, working with neighborhoods, and a variety of city departments to create a community-based trail system. Following the presentation, a discussion will be held to evaluate the experience and lessons learned.


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