Susan Wagner, Sr. Lecturer for the Department of Health and Kinesiology at Texas A&M University, and long-time SuperCyclist Field Instructor, certified 9 new SuperCyclist Teachers in the Grand Prairie area this past June. Texas Bicycle Coalition’s Brenda Chuleewah, Teacher Training Manager coordinated the event, and Pet Cox, SuperCyclist Field Instructor-in-training attended as well.
Newly certified SuperCyclist Teachers we wish to welcome to the fold and thank for participating are: Chris Kelbba, Elaine Allison, Mary Henz, Kurt Reichenstein, Sharon Baldwin, Sheila Mattox, Tonya Coleman, Sgt. Daniel Walden and Veronica Walden!
The pictures demonstrate teaching new SuperCyclist Teachers how to layout the Skills Course on a gym floor using gym tape, and demonstrating how children can use PVC handlebars as virtual bikes when access/room to real bikes for children is limited. The SuperCyclist Skills Course gives children a chance to practice signaling and scanning before entering into and while riding in traffic.
We were honored when Sgt. Daniel Walden from Donna ISD Police Dept and his wife, Veronica, traveled 550 miles from Donna, Texas to attend the training. They are interested in bike safety and in bringing Safe Routes to School to their community. For more information about the BikeTexas Safe Routes to School program visit BikeTexas Safe Routes to School HOME.
Special thanks to Chris Klebba, PE teacher from Jackson Middle School, for providing support and the air-conditioned gym!