1. Always wear a helmet. Don’t let the Texas summer heat tempt you to ride without full protection for your brain! Consider investing in a helmet with extra vents for air flow and cooling properties. Learn more about proper helmet fit.
2. Drink before you’re thirsty! Dehydration is a leading cause of heat exhaustion. Keep hydrated to reduce your risk and improve your performance.
3. Always do an ABCD Quick Check before you ride. Checking the air pressure, tire condition, brakes, crank, chain and quick releases before your ride will reduce the likelihood of getting stuck on the side of the road with a mechanical problem. Nobody wants to fix a flat in the middle of nowhere with the Texas sun beating down on their neck. View the bicycle inspection checklist.
4. But just in case, learn how to fix a flat if you don’t already know how!
5. Go with the flow! Ride in the same direction with traffic and follow the other Texas Bicycle Laws.
6. Wear sunscreen and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sizzling summer rays.
7. When riding on trails, follow the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA) Rules of the Trail: leave no trace; always yield to pedestrians, horses and slower moving traffic; and never scare animals. For more information on the Rules of the Trail, visit the IMBA website.