Many of you attempted to participate in TxDOT’s online public open house a few weeks ago about the 2040 Long-Range Plan updates and were unable to log on. Because of the technical difficulties and high level of interest in the updates, TxDOT has agreed to host another online meeting so people who ride bikes in Texas have a chance to share their concerns.
What: Online Public Open House
When: 6 PM, Thursday December 5
Where: Click this link to access the meeting. If requested, enter your name and email address. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: 12345. Click “Join”.
Who: You!
We spoke to TxDOT about the technical problems and they were surprised to hear that we had managed to let so many people know about the meetings so quickly. In fact, when we got the word out, TxDOT had an old link published on their site that was only corrected after we had already let you know the meetings were coming– but unfortunately, neither TxDOT nor we realized that the bad link had gone out across the state.
Thank you for being committed to making Texas a great place to ride a bike!
When you submit feedback to TxDOT, please keep the following in mind:
- Ask that TxDOT adopt an agency-wide, district-wide, and area-wide Complete Streets policy with guidance, procedures, and review included.
- Remind TxDOT that a Complete Streets policy is in accordance with their first priority: safety for all road users.
- Point out that the review process for Complete Streets is more economical in the long run, saving TxDOT the time and other resources required to add bicycle or pedestrian accommodations later in the project.
- Express your support for trails projects in your community: The current federal transportation bill allows TxDOT to move trails money away to non-bike/ped uses much more easily than before, and we want them to keep trails funding for trail building.
Thank you for participating in this process. Let’s make sure TxDOT remembers people who bike and walk in their transportation planning.